A Mint - Product in mint condition with original box and all original accessories.

B Good - Product in good condition with all essential accessories. No box required.

C Working - Product in poor condition with all essential accessories. No box required.

Games consoles are graded as one of the following:

Boxed - with all essential accessories. First party controller.

Unboxed - with all essential accessories. First party controller.

Discounted - Product in poor condition, with all essential accessories, box not required. Any controller.

Playstation 4 consoles must come with an official Playstation 4 controller at all grades. Third party controllers cannot be accepted when paired with Playstation 4 consoles when selling to CeX.

Please note that when selling your items to CeX, we will determine the condition of your items after we have fully tested them, and will value them accordingly.

Please note all iPhones, iPads and iPods must have iCloud account deactivated.